Timeless Wedding Photography

January 2, 2020

2019 | A year in review


January 2, 2020

2019 | A year in review

I look forward to making this post every year!  The process of going through a year’s worth of  images and choosing my favorites is such a rewarding process.

It feels like we are living in a time where more and more people are feeling anxious and depressed.  It feels like we spend so much time thinking about our differences rather than all that connects us. It’s easy to lose faith in humanity.  If  you are feeling that way, I invite you to spend time with me shooting weddings. It will change you.  You will see love, joy and human connection. You will see beautiful moments filled with emotion.  I promise your faith in humanity will be restored.


To my 2019 clients I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting into your lives.  I can’t tell you how many times I went through different images and thought to myself “they are my favorite clients of the year”!

You guys are amazing and I am forever grateful.

I love this job!



broadway hall wedding Best first look reaction of the decade!  Lairmont Manor Wedding River Valley Oasis Wedding Venue That’s a proud mother right there! I love the Lairmont Manor at night!Lairmont Manor Wedding

This picture needs an explanation.  This woman has just been honored in front of our church and is humbly walking back to her seat to a standing ovation.  Standing ovations are pretty rare at our church.  Let me tell you, she is a one woman army for the kingdom of God. She has dedicated her life to the Lord and to the service of others. If we had our priorities straight as a society the gentleman to her left would be wearing a jersey with her name on it instead of the name of someone who plays a game….and this is coming from a huge sports fan who owns several jerseys.  Her life and this picture makes me rethink my priorities.

 Not all family is blood. This amazing crew below are our friends-like-family!  Grand Willow Inn Wedding Venue Family pictures are not necessarily the most fun part of a wedding day but they are so important to do well.  Best ring bearer of the year award goes to this 4 legged family member. River Valley Oasis Wedding Venue Broadway Hall Wedding Venue Trinity Tree Farm Wedding Broadway Hall wedding Future wedding clients??? Lairmont Manor Wedding Grand Willow Inn Wedding Trinity Tree Farm Wedding Broadway Hall Wedding Broadway Hall Wedding